Real-Life + Neuroscience 
for Lasting Change

The tools, the support, and the plan
to finally live alcohol-free—and love it.

This isn't just sobriety - it's freedom.

Book Your Free Discovery Call Today
Empowering you to break free from an unhealthy relationship with alcohol with personalized coaching and long-term support, based on my 18 years of personal sobriety and proven science-backed strategies—
-so you can rebuild your confidence, be more present with the people you love, and thrive without alcohol.


"I'm the person you come to when you're done screwing around with free challenges and programs you only half committed to.

If you're here, you're ready for that true personalized sobriety coaching, for women and men, to quit drinking for good.
And I'd love to help and support you."

- Angela

Book Your Free Discovery Call Today


"Working with Angela was the accountability and coaching that I so desperately needed. She helped me to reawaken the confidence within that I had drowned in alcohol over the last 2 years.


Her ability to encourage lovingly with a no B.S. approach, empowered me to love myself first, realign my priorities and protect my sobriety no matter what."

Achieve Sobriety and Build A Life You Love

Regain Control

Say goodbye to alcohol controlling your life. You’ll take charge of your decisions and live with confidence.

Master Your Emotions

Learn how to navigate life’s challenges without relying on alcohol. You’ll gain emotional strength and clarity.

Social Confidence

Imagine enjoying social events without needing a drink to feel comfortable. I’ll help you build that confidence.

Be Fully Present

No more foggy days or guilt. You’ll show up 100% for your family and the people who matter most.

100% Tried and true strategies

An alcohol-free coaching program with science-backed strategies to support change, from the inside out.

Sustainable Sobriety

My program is designed for long-term success, giving you the tools to stay sober and thrive for years to come.

Book Your Free Discovery Call Today

Your Journey to Lasting Sobriety Begins Here

Your Transformational Program:
Through personalized sobriety coaching and science-backed strategies, you’ll not only break free from alcohol, but you’ll also rediscover your power, confidence, and ability to create a life you’re proud of.

Want to know why most of your efforts for sobriety probably DIDN'T work?

Why Past Attempts Didn't Work:

➔ You know what to do, but you haven’t followed through—yet. It’s not that you lack the knowledge. You’ve been stuck because you’re missing the accountability and support to finally take action and make it stick.

➔ You’re drowning in information, but not seeing results.
You’ve read the books, listened to the podcasts, and tried all the free challenges and programs - but without a clear, personalized plan and the right support, you keep spinning in circles without moving forward.

You’ve been trying to fight this battle alone out of shame.
Sobriety isn’t a solo mission. The longer you isolate yourself, the deeper the guilt and embarrassment grows. But the truth is, you don’t have to do this by yourself anymore.

➔ You feel lost, like no one gets it.
It feels like you’re the only one struggling, but you’re not. I’ve been there, and I understand what it takes to break free and reclaim your life—starting today.

Why This Program Works:

Weekly 1:1 Calls—No More Guesswork.
You’re not left to figure this out on your own. Every week, we’ll meet one-on-one to make sure you’re on track, focused, and taking the right steps. No more second-guessing or drifting off course.

Live Group Coaching—Connection and Accountability.
You’ll join a powerful group of people who understand exactly what you’re going through. These weekly sessions provide the connection, accountability, and shared strength you need to stay the course.

A Community That Has Your Back—Always.
Isolation ends here. Your group is full of real support, not just talk. You’ll never feel alone, because you’ll have people walking alongside you every step of the way, offering the love and encouragement you need.

Lifetime Access to Tools—Because This Journey is for Life.
Sobriety isn’t a quick fix. With lifetime access to our member portal, you’ll have a library of tools, resources, and strategies at your fingertips to reinforce your success long after the program ends.


Book Your Free Discovery Call Now

The 3 Most Common Reasons People Fail at Sobriety:

Trying to Do It Alone
Sobriety is tough, and going it alone only makes it harder. Many people fail because they isolate themselves out of shame or fear of judgment. But the truth is, sobriety requires support. Without accountability and community, it’s easy to fall back into old habits. You’re not weak for needing help—you’re smart for seeking it.

Lack of a Personalized Plan
What works for one person doesn’t always work for another. People fail when they rely on generic advice, one-size-fits-all approaches, or “quick fixes” that don’t address their unique needs. Sobriety is a journey, not a destination. Success comes from a plan tailored to your life, your triggers, and your goals.

Not Addressing the Root Cause
Alcohol is just the surface problem. Many people relapse because they don’t deal with the underlying habits and emotional triggers that lead to drinking. Whether it’s stress, boredom, or social pressure, until you face and change those patterns, the cycle continues. Sobriety means developing new ways to cope, manage emotions, and make better choices in tough situations.

Imagine How It Will Feel When:

  • You wake up clear-headed, hangover-free, and grateful that you remember everything from the night before.
  • Your energy returns, and you start feeling better than you have in years—physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • You experience deep, restful sleep, waking up refreshed and ready to own the day ahead.
  • You start to look and feel better quickly—your face fresh, your mind sharp, and fully present with the people you love. 
  • Your confidence skyrockets as you learn to care for yourself, make powerful choices, and finally put your well-being first.

How much would it mean to you to finally feel calm and at peace every single day?

Here's what it's meant to others...


Its amazing how much better I feel emotionally and physically. I can
actually think about situations and make rational decisions now.


I feel so EMPOWERED. I am a healthier, happier, less reactive person who is becoming stronger and better equipped to lead and love my family with honesty and integrity.


Working with Angela changed my life. I love her so much!!  I am better at being a mom. I am a better friend, daughter and co-worker.


I thoroughly enjoyed the six week program and was sorry when it ended. I immediately signed up for the VIP group!

A Glimpse of the Core Transformation Pillars You'll Dive Into During Your 1:1 Coaching Sessions:


1:  Emotional Mastery
  • What it means: You will learn how to manage your emotions without relying on alcohol as a crutch. You’ll gain tools to handle stress, anxiety, and life’s challenges with confidence and clarity.

  • Why it matters: Emotional mastery is the foundation for long-term sobriety and a more peaceful life, helping you feel in control and self-assured in your daily choices.


2:  Stronger Relationships
  • What it means: By being fully present, you will deepen your connections with loved ones. You’ll communicate better, engage more meaningfully, and rebuild trust that may have been damaged by alcohol.
  • Why it matters: Relationships often suffer when alcohol is involved. This pillar addresses the healing and strengthening of personal connections, giving you more fulfilling, authentic relationships.
3:  Mental Clarity & Focus
  • What it means: Without the fog of alcohol, you will experience sharper mental clarity, helping you make better decisions and think clearly about your goals and future.
  • Why it matters: Mental clarity boosts productivity, problem-solving, and the ability to stay on track in both personal and professional aspects of life.
4:  Personal Accountability and Discipline
  • What it means: You will develop a strong sense of responsibility and discipline through regular coaching and support. This helps you stick to your goals and build a structured, intentional life.
  • Why it matters: Long-term sobriety requires discipline and consistency. By learning to hold yourself accountable, you’ll be able to maintain the habits and mindset necessary for lasting change.
5:  Sense of Purpose
  • What it means: You will rediscover your sense of purpose and what truly matters to you. You’ll identify goals, passions, and the values that guide your decisions moving forward.
  • Why it matters: Without alcohol clouding your path, you’ll be able to pursue meaningful goals and live a more fulfilling, purposeful life.
6:  Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • What it means: You will rebuild your self-worth as you learn to care for yourself and make healthier choices. Each day without alcohol boosts your confidence and sense of pride.
  • Why it matters: Confidence is key to sustaining sobriety. As you grow in self-esteem, you’ll feel empowered to show up fully in all areas of life—whether it’s with family, friends, or career.


Break Free From the Cycle of Guilt and Shame

If you’re done with excuses and quick fixes, and you’re truly ready to take action, you’re in the right place. This is your moment to take control, rewrite your story, and own your life.


Your Journey Starts Here

No more waiting. The time is now.

Welcome to Renew You: Personalized Coaching for Alcohol-Free Living.

Let’s make it happen, together.

Are you ready? Take action today!


Book Your Free Discovery Call Now

Renew You: Personalized Coaching for Alcohol-Free Living

 Your 6-Week Journey to Transformation

$3295 or 2 payments of $1685

This program is designed for high-functioning individuals ready to take control and make lasting change. With a commitment of just 2-3 hours a week, you’ll receive personalized 1:1 support, group coaching, and access to an interactive portal that will empower your transformation.

  • Six 1:1 Sessions with Angela for personalized guidance on your journey
  • Weekly Group Coaching led by Angela for support and accountability
  • Comprehensive Program Portal filled with resources and tools to reinforce your success
  • 6 Weeks of Free Access to the Sober Society member community, offering:
    • 3 Weekly Peer-Led Recovery Meetings
    • Accountability Group Privileges
    • Special Rates for follow-up 1:1 sessions after your program ends

⬇︎ Are You Ready? Act Now! ⬇︎



One Time Payment


⬇︎ Two Installment Plan ⬇︎



First Installment Today

I'm Ready!

Imagine feeling like this:


Want to learn more? 

Book Your Free Discovery Call Now

"Best phone call I ever made. It changed my life. One day at a time I'm sober 2 years and 4 months!"

- May 2022 - 

✓ End the cycle of yo-yo sobriety for good
✓ Break free from frustration and confusion
✓ Reclaim control of your life...

... without feeling isolated, alone, or overwhelmed.

Book Your Free Discovery Call Today

"Best phone call I ever made. It changed my life. One day at a time I'm sober 2 years and 4 months!"

- May 2022 - 

Stop the Yo-Yo Sobriety
Stop feeling frustrated and puzzled
& Get Control of Your Life Back...

... WITHOUT feeling isolated, alone, and overwhelmed.



A Glimpse Into My Story

There’s always a moment that changes everything.

Call it a light bulb moment, a moment of truth, or clarity—it’s fierce, undeniable, and often unexpected.

It’s the moment when you realize something about yourself, your choices, or your future that you simply can’t ignore.

For me, that moment led to my own journey of sobriety, and it’s why I’m so passionate about helping others reclaim their lives.

Got Questions?

No worries, I've got answers - check out the most frequently asked questions below...

Are You Ready?

You’ve felt the pull for change, and now it’s time to step into your empowered, alcohol-free future. Renew You: Personalized Coaching for Alcohol-Free Living isn’t just a program—it’s your transformation, customized for your unique journey.

☝️ Break free from the cycle of guilt and shame.
✌️ Take control over cravings with confidence.
👌 Build a lasting foundation for a fulfilling, alcohol-free life.

With Angela by your side, you’re never alone. The guidance, support, and tools are here—waiting for you to take that step. Picture a life where you’re in control, making choices that align with the person you’re meant to be.

Take Action Today!

👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Now👈

Are you ready to say goodbye to hangovers?

If you're like many of the powerful people who work with me, you may find yourself feeling like the consequences of your drinking have hit you full force. You may have money trouble, family trouble, health trouble and even friend trouble. If you're spending a lot of time looking at your flaws and trying to see them without hating yourself, it's time to take action so you can begin to make changes to improve your life.

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! Let's Book a Call!

Just want to dip your toe in?

If committing to a 6-week intensive program feels like a leap, we have the perfect bridge for you - the Sober Society Membership